People are ecstatic as they work to make everything perfect. When everything is running smoothly, the job is fantastic. One’s sales targets are attained, children are occupied and satisfied, and everything seems fine in the world. However, the pain creeps up when things take a U-turn; perhaps one’s sales messages stop pouring, the relations go bad to worse, or something goes wrong in the rising social status. Suddenly, people are found facing challenges in life, struggling to settle scores as quickly as possible.
However, never giving up is not a viable option. When it appears like all the good feelings have vanished, people have two choices. Allowing the concentration to remain fixed on the defined goal is the first option. People should do everything they can to persevere in the face of adversity. They must persevere and focus solely on recapturing the golden era. Of course, things could turn around, but one should appreciate the struggle because there is no excitement in life if one is driven by fear. As with the onrushing sea tide, trying to defend against the flow is the worst thing one can do.
Accepting the reality and ignoring the agony is the best thing people can do, knowing that everything will be fine again soon, thanks to the Law of Rhythm.
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