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3D, AR, VRFor lovers and creators of 3D, augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR) content. If this is one of your passions then this is a group that you should join.
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Animated GifsDive deep into the world of animated gifs. Animated gifs are amazing, not just for adding crazy movement to a lifeless website or expressing emotions in social media posts but as valuable assets for creators to use in all kinds of content. In fact they are so integral to content creation that they get their own community group here :)
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ArtA Group for Artists and Art lovers. Vote on the resources here and over time we will iliminate low value resources and build an extremely high quality group for Artists and Art lovers to learn and share the highest quality information available online.
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Artificial IntelligenceFor creators who are involved with or interested in the world of artificial Intelligence and machine learning. (who isn't?)
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Audio FXThe Audio FX group is for anyone needing Audio FX or for creators who want to make and share audio fx. If you create sound effects and audio ambience assets that our members may be interested in then consider providing some of your digital audio assets to the community for Free use to promote your work.
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BodyAs creators we also create our own bodies. In this group we help Each other Master Our Own Bodies to Create The Body You Desire! This group is for everybody interested in the body, health and fitness
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CraftsFor creators that like to create with their hands, this group is about making things in the 3D real world.
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CryptoCrypto Currency Group. this group is for those that are interested in Crypto Currencies.
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DevelopersA Group for developers, let us know what your up to here.
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FoodWho doesn't Love Creating Good Food? This group is to share your recipes and knowledge of food and drinks.
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GamesWe couldn't have Gameznet without a Group for Games. This group is for all gamers, whether its as a player or a dev, young or old. Games are creative, they inspire creativity and they drive technology forward in so many ways. If your a gamer , make sure you jump into this group and interact with other gamers! Don't forget to have a play of some of the great free online games available in the Gameznet Arcade : ) at https://arcade.gameznet.com.au
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Internet MarketingInternet Marketing, this group is for those that are involved in creative marketing or seeking support to ust market their own creative exploits. whether it's marketing your website, YouTube Channel, Products or Services, Marketing is all about sharing your dreams!
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MIndHere We Discover Tools to Help us Master Our Minds so that we Create Our own Reality. Your thoughts shape everything about who you are so if you want to master your life then you first need to learn how to master your own mind.
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MusicFor Musicians and music lovers alike. This group is for those interested in music whether as a creator or appreciator. You will need to be logged in to view and download free media assets. #music
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NFTA group for anyone interested in Creating or Trading NFTs (Not Fungible Tokens)
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PhotographyA casual group available to all members and Photographers to share their craft and discuss the art of taking better photos. All images uploaded for the general public should be licensed "public domain" without license restriction for the purpose of sharing. Please only upload public domain images to as "Public" as they may be freely downloaded and shared. Images set to Logged in Users or "Group Only" MAY have License Restrictions as set by the uploader please read the image description. You may upload and share public domain images or your own images only. Please do Not upload other peoples work or images that are licensed unless you have a license to do so. If you do not want your uploaded image freely accessible by the general Public please select "Logged in Users Only" if you wish to restrict your views to our websites community members only or if you only want he Photographers Group to see them please select "Group Only" Please always add your photographers details and any license information to each image you upload. You can watermark your work for further protection. If you want to sell your work you can join our Vendors Program in the Gameznet Marketplace.
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Spirit (Soul)This group is for spirituality based creators who are creating information and materials of a spiritual nature. For example creations related to spiritual healing, tarot or astrology materials, ascension, chakra's, kundalini, ascension, reiki and anything else that feeds the soul and helps us raise our vibrations.
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Video CreatorsWelcome to the Video Creators Group. All creators welcome :) This Group is for everyone with an interest in Video, whether that is as a film maker, Youtuber, or Social Media Influencer. If your newbie or a professional there is something for you here. Get or Give help to the community. Share your work or discover Royalty Free video shared by the members of the Video Creators Group. Remember only Share your Videos in the Groups Gallery which you created yourself and are releasing to the community under a Royalty Free Licence with no attribution required (attribution welcomed of course but not mandatory) You can share your private work in the forum for constructive criticism, comments or just to show it. Please respect all forum shared images as copyrighted (unless specified by the originator) It is an honour system but do not download any work posted in the forums without expressed permission from the original creator.
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Voice OverA group for creators of voice-overs including original humans and AI voice over and text to voice. Share voice over information and resources.
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Welcome – Start HereWelcome to Gameznet This is the place to find all information about Gameznet, these Topics are a bit thin at the moment, but we will build them out as we get through the growing pains. If you have any questions about the website or features of Gameznet please ask them here so that we can all benefit and grow together.
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WritingA group about writing for writers and anyone who needs help with writing
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