A-ad’s is The first
crypto advertising network
in the market
“Did you know ?
You can purchase Internet advertising anonymously using Bitcoin and other crypto currencies?
Or, as a publisher, you can earn passive income in crypto, anonymously.
A-ads is an Advertising network similar to Google Ads and AdSense.
However, it’s available to all and operates on anonymous cryptocurrency transactions.
These transactions are used for buying ads and paying out earnings to publishers and affiliates.”
There are 3 ways to Earn Crypto with A-Ads.com
As A Publisher
Ready to join ads ?
Click Here to Join A-ads Now
“Join A-ads today! Click to sign up and start earning.
As a publisher, you can:
- Place ad units on your sites and apps.
- Monetize your traffic.
- Get paid in crypto, anonymously.
- Build your crypto portfolio passively.
- Use earnings to cover marketing costs.
Earn crypto by displaying ads on your website, just like Google AdSense.
By partnering with A-ads, you can:
- Create and place unique ad units.
- Earn crypto anonymously.
- Reinvest in ads for growth.
Check out the ad units we use at Gameznet: Gameznet Ad Units.
Here are 3 example Ad Units, we simply place the provided bit of code on our site where we want that add unit to show
ads from the A-ads network will then display in that location and we earn crypto for clicks on those ads.
a-ads Unit #1817639 – Ad type: 728×90 Mixed
[the_ad id=”100031926″]
a-ads Ad Unit #2104084 120×60 Mixed
[the_ad id=”100031928″]
Ad Unit #2104343 970px; height:250px Mixed
[the_ad id=”100031930″]
Ready to join ads ?
Click Here to Join A-ads Now
A-Ads (aka: Anonymous Ads)
Use your Crypto To Pay For Anonymous Internet Advertising!
“Boost your internet marketing effortlessly by reinvesting your earnings. Advertising costs can reduce your taxes. They offset capital gains from cryptocurrencies. Instead of paying taxes, reinvest in your business for continuous growth.
Maximize advertising benefits by integrating it into your business model. Treat crypto like game tokens. Earn them through airdrops, altcoins, NFTs, and online payments. Use crypto for website payments, donations, and subscriptions on platforms like Patreon and OnlyFans.
Then, reinvest your crypto earnings in advertising. This drives more traffic, creating a self-sustaining marketing cycle. The cycle scales up as you go. More advertising leads to more crypto. More crypto means more advertising. It’s a continuous loop.
Promote your affiliate link across your activities to earn extra crypto. Also, display ads on your website with your publisher code. You’ll earn crypto for views and clicks, similar to AdSense.
Adding this to your online money making toolkit is a smart move for growth.
It’s a what I like to call a “Game Z net” strategy :)